Marketing Ideas – Ideas Every Business Can Put Into Action

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Online businesses or brick and mortar businesses transitioning to the online world may have a difficult time marketing themselves. While some businesses are easily marketed, others are more difficult. A plumber, for instance, may be at a loss when it comes to marketing their business aside from normal PPC campaigns.
The following marketing ideas will allow any business to start taking action and driving highly targeted traffic to their domain :-


Social Networking

Facebook and Twitter are the go-to avenues for social networking. Talking to potential clients, helping potential customers with questions they have and simply getting your name out there will bolster your marketing efforts. 
If you do not have a lot of time to dedicate to social media, you can pay for a sponsored Tweet or Facebook post.


Google Local

Google can double or triple your marketing efforts overnight. One highly ranked keyword can lead to thousands of potential clients. While you should always engage in natural search engine optimization you must also show up in Google’s local results.
The goal is to ensure that your business entity shows up when your keyword and city name are searched. A person in Kansas searching for a plumber will be far more likely to become a client if they are from your local city.

Marketing Ideas

Content Marketing

The same boring content is simply not as highly valued as it used to be. Instead, you want to create content that will be able to drive social signals, natural links and organic traffic to your website. While plumbing guides are nice, you need something that is truly unique.
An example of a great piece for a plumber may be a case study on the most common plumbing issues seen in new homes that are less than 5 years old. This would be a unique piece that would be shared repeatedly and would drive traffic to a business that is extremely targeted.


Guest Blog Into the Spotlight

The most difficult challenge with any marketing idea is determining how to get in front of the right audience. Instead of being inactive, guest blogging can drive targeted traffic directly to your online business.
Guest blogging on relevant sites where your expertise is needed will be the best idea. An online clothing retailer can guest blog on the season’s up-and-coming trends. A veterinarian can guest blog on the benefits of cold laser treatments for treating IVDD. The goal is to utilize an authority in your niche to gain popularity and exposure.
Every business has an opportunity to bring in customers online. By coming up with new and innovative ideas, your business can be in the spotlight and you can drive more traffic to your domain.