Strategic Marketing: an important way of leading the competition

Thursday 17 April 2014

Running a business successfully is not an easy task. You need to plan your resources along with a strategy of marketing. The strategy helps concentrating their resources on adequate opportunities. Today, competition among all the businessmen in the market is increasing. Each of them has eagerness to get proper access over the market and win over their competitors. Though the area of operation and product quality of many traders are same, profit margin and popularity of some businessmen are more than others. It is just because of their marketing strategies.  With the help of strategic marketing, business can easily formulate long-term activities in the field of marketing.

Strategic Marketing

Facts on marketing strategy development

Marketing plans are very essential to formulate before executing the same. Research and development team dealing with the marketing strategy formulation will help getting the best strategy for particular product promotion in the market. The marketing team of a corporate house plans their marketing strategy for a year and formulates the steps one after another. Some organization and team also uses some important marketing tactics to win over its competitors in the market. Some of the strategic marketing are partly planned where as others are partly unplanned.

Environmental factors of marketing strategy

•    Marketing mix
•    Marketing mix modeling

External environmental factors

•    Target market analysis
•    Competitors analysis
•    Evaluation of culture, technology and economic environment

It is possible for the marketing team to construct a strategic plan as soon as a thorough environmental scan is completed. The next step will be to establish the challenging goals. The last step of the marketing strategy plan will be to monitor whether the organization is progressing or not with the particular strategic plan.

Marketing mix

Marketing strategy plan will be incomplete without a strategic plan. Budget is an important fact which must be considered by every businessman before planning for advertisement and marketing of products. With the help of marketing mix modeling, it is now possible to determine the optimal marketing budget. The portfolio as well as brand name can be considered to be other important factors on which the promotion of product and services provided by an organization is decided.

Varied strategies

There can be difference in marketing strategies based on the unique situation of each businessman.  But, today many generic strategies can be recognized in different ways.

Market dominance

One of the strategy is based on the market dominance.  You can also find four groups in a particular strategy named as Leader, Follower, Challenger as well as Nicher.

Market growth

Another strategy is based on market growth. The marketing manager of certain organization may also choose this strategy for the growth and development of business in a particular organization.

Market decline

Another type of marketing strategy is known as market decline strategy. Since there are ups and downs in a business, the graph at some point of time declines as soon as sales are approached as a result of which it exceeds the cost.  All the hidden cost cannot be conveyed by the financial accountant